Apr 302009

This is our ultimate of the best subliminal messages songs out there. Artists from Britney, to Madonna, to Queen, and Michael Jackson, and of course not forgetting Led Zeppelin have all been caught using subliminal messages in their music, and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

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Infact the whole craze started with Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven. When this song came out it received criticism for the media and a heavy condemming from the church, for containing satanic subliminal messages. Anyway without further ado here is the video so you can see for yourself:

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After these messages were found the hunt was on to find more. And indeed, many more were found right across the music industry, from before, and certainly since.

Here is a video from rock legends “Queen” – Another one bites the dust. When played in reverse it appears to have messages in it supporting marajuana use:

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We’re going more modern now – here is the famous michael jackson subliminal messages video. Taken from the song Don’t stop till you get enough:

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Now in our opinion one of the best examples of subliminal messages in songs from recent years. This one comes from modern pop diva Britney Spears, from her first hit single Hit me baby one more time – is it any wonder she became so popular with subliminal suggestions like this:

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And finally here is a compilation video containing reversed songs with various subliminal messages from50 Cent, Vanessa Hudgens, Britney Spears, Queen, and J Holiday:

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This is just the tip of the iceberg, navigate round our blog to see more subliminal messages from Britney, Madonna, Justin Timberlake, the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Tupac, and even the recent lady gaga subliminal messages.

  One Response to “Subliminal Messages Songs”

  1. Apparently there’s a heavy metal record label in Nottingham Uk who are experimenting with putting subliminal marketing messages in their mp3 downloads, giving them away for free and hoping that they will make more people buy the CD . . . I know someone who works there and he told me this

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